I have been thinking about my blog lately, and I am going to start making some changes and doing things a little different. I like Cyndi's idea when she mentioned that her blog is like her online journal. Cyndi said she likes being able to look back on things she has written...things she might have forgotten had she not written them down.
I agree with Cyndi.
I LOVE that people can read my blog, learn new things about me...and just learn new things (couponing for example!) But sometimes I say things that I want to write down but feel that YOU, the reader, may not really care about the topic as much as I did when I wrote it (Revelation post for example).
I am trying to do many things different in my life right now and I want to be able to blog about it without worrying if I will offend someone, or have someone think my ways or ideas are crazy. I have a lot to say, but I just don't write it down...
Also, my goal this year is to really get into "The Word". I lack so much in that area, and it's my #1 goal to really dovote time to God. And as I learn new things, I want to blog about it. As I did with my "Revelation" post.
So from now on...my posts will probably be all over the place. I may post about something in the bible, then I may post a recipe, then my parenting style, then I may post about something personal. So really...this will be my online journal.
Does anyone know how to somehow save all your posts to an archive somewhere? I remember MckMama posting about how to do that one time...please let me know how if you know!!!
Love to you all :)
Hey...I'll get the site and get back with you on it. That is exactly what I plan to do with my blog, then have a company print it. I looked into it a few months ago, but forgot the company. I'll get back to you.
BLURB.COM...love you
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