We got to the hospital at 7:30am and I was only 3cm. Once I was in my room, Dr. Moffitt broke my water and gave me pitocin. I would have had Will by noon, but he had not "dropped" yet. So I had to lay on my left side for 30 min, push a few times, then lay on my right side for 30 min, then push a few times...and so on. It wasn't stressful at all. It was actually a pleasant experience and nothing like the horror stories I hear from others...with HOURS of labor. Finally around 2pm I had finally reached 6cm so Joey decided he and his dad would go to Wolfy's and have a good lunch. Well, by the time he sat down at Wolfy's, I was 10cm! I called and he was back at the hospital in no time! Once Moffitt was there, he asked me to give him a few practice pushes (which were great ones by the way!) and he realized I was fully capabale of pushing this baby out quickly!
William Joseph Ammons was born at 2:52pm on Thursday March 9th 2006. I didn't cry when he was born...I was shocked, overwhelmed...he was my firstborn. I didn't fall in love with him right away either. I loved him...but not like all the stories I'd heard about...I didn't feel that instant bond, a mother's love, die without you kind of love. I just simply loved him because I had just given birth to him.
Let me explain.
After I lost our first baby...I believe I slowly...very slowly, fell into a depression. It wasn't noticable by anyone, not even me. But I believe the loss of our baby triggered the beginning stages.
Months later I hit full blown depression. Something happened (it's personal) and I hit rock bottom. Not only was I depressed...I was also pregnant. Can you imagine the emotions?!
In December 2005, my position with SunTrust Bank was relocated to Orlando so I opted to take a severance payout and leave the bank instead of transferring with the position. I was due in March and I knew that I would be taking time off, so it actually all worked out great. I would have more time to myself, more time to rest, and more time to be depressed.
I was incredibly depressed. I cried myself to sleep every night. I sometimes cried till I threw up. Not because I was pregnant...but for "personal reasons". I was depressed. Like I needed meds kind of depressed. Like I almost ruined my marriage kind of depressed.
I barely ate food. I had to make myself drink a carnation instant breakfast every morning because I knew I had to at least feed my baby. And every day I cried while I rocked my stomach...and I prayed this prayer to God.."God...please let him be everything that I'm not. Please don't allow my emotions to pass on to him...let him be a happy baby, not a crying and miserable baby...like his mother is right now".
They say your emtions can pass on to your child. I HAD to make sure I didn't pass mine to Will. I prayed for that covering daily. But I NEVER asked God to fix me.
I gained 9.5 pounds during my pregnancy. At my 6 week check-up, not only had I lost the 9.5 pounds that I gained...but I had lost an additional 14 pounds. Yes it felt great to look good on the outside...but I was dying on the inside. I didn't gain much weight...because I didn't eat. Will weighed 8 lbs, and 10 oz, and was 22 inches long. So I was thankful for him being plump and healthy.
After I gave birth to Will...I was emotionally detached from him. I never wanted to hurt him. I've heard those stories too.
I remember when he was about 4 weeks old...my dad and step-mom came to visit him. My step-mom was on the floor, talking to him. And he coo'd at her. I had never heard his voice until that moment. I realized that I had never talked to him. I took care of him, bathed him, fed him, held him...but I had never talked to him.
After that, I prayed and I worked at fixing me. It wasn't an overnight fix. It took many months. I started getting out of the house with him, talking to him, and making up for the weeks that I had lost. With God's help...I guess I did "snap-out" of the depression. I must have because I gained 10pounds back!
I'm not sure why I shared my "depression" story with you. Or maybe it's a reminder to myself. But, when I look at Will, I never think about that horrible depression experience. I think about him being one of the loves of my life. My firstborn. My son. An incredible blessing.
Today, Will is everything that a parent would want their child to be. He is funny, sweet, talented, sensitive, incredibly loving, smart, and amazingly handsome. He does have many moments that all children go through...but overall he is a great kid!
"Did you ever think you could love someone so much?"
I remember hating when someone asked me that question. But I quickly fell in love with him (although not right away) and then I understood. And today, I would gladly give my life up for him.
The song "For you I will" is my song to him. I mean every word.
Enjoy the pictures :)
The 2 pictures below were taken just days before I gave birth.
Falling in love....
I love the picture of you snuggled up to him, how sweet! Thanks for your story!
oh oh oh this makes me cry! You are so vulnerable and it's absolutely beautiful! You're right, Will is all those things and more. I know he'll be a mighty man of God ;)
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