Wednesday, October 21, 2009

His love

I have this precious 3 year old son...and he loves me. I mean, he really loves me! He doesn't just love me because I am his mother, or because I help provide and take care of him...he genuinely loves me. I know you are a bit puzzled, and thinking of your own childen, and how you know you are loved by them. But trust me when I tell son is different.

Will is somehow capable of loving deep and whole heartedly. He loves like that of a mature adult, and not like a child his age...with very little love experiences. Will is special. And he makes those that he loves feel so very special. He kisses on the lips, and when he hugs, he's not usually the first to let go. He tells me at least 10 times per day that he loves me. And it's random. Not because I just bought him a gift, or played with him. We can just be sitting and having supper....and I hear, "I love you mommy."

Now I have to stop here to say this...his love may be great, but it's also selective. He doesn't show his love to just anyone. In fact, unless you are close to him, you would never know this about him. Just yesterday while on a field trip at his pre-school, I had to get on to him for saying, "I don't love her (referring to his classmate) he then went on to tell Mrs. Debbie, I don't love anybody."

The last paragraph may seem contradictive, but it's true. He loves only certain people, but he loves them with a greatness beyond your imagination. As I type this, I realize that when he gives, he gives 100%. He doesn't trust just anyone with his love.

Will loves you one on one. If he's with me, he wants to hold my hand (while he is in his carseat and I'm driving...not easy!) or he wants to sit in my lap. He will even say, "Mommy, you're sooo bootiful." If he is with papa for example, he wants papa one on one. No distractions. And he tells him many times..."I love you papa." And he NEVER lets you walk away without "a hug and a kiss." I could go on and on with examples! I could blog daily about something he has said, or about something he has done. He really is special. He is so special to me. And I know he must be special to God.

I realize that you may be able to relate. You might have a child much like Will in your home. These loving little souls are so innocent, and so special. How are they capable of this great love? Did God select them especially for this task? To love? And Will is only three. Imagine his heart if the Lord continues to work on him and through him. Just imagaine. I just need to continue working on the "selective" area in his love compartment! Maybe one day, I will better understand why he is so selective.

Since he was born, the song by Monica titled For you I will has been my song to him. Listen to the words as it plays, if you have time. I can't imagine a better song to dedicate to my first son.

I hope you too have a song for yours.

1 comment:

Deborah said...

awww, sounds like a sweet boy!!! what a lucky mommy!