I was due Sunday July 5th, but if I had not delivered I had a scheduled appt. Monday the 6th @ 2:15pm. Well I was at the appt. on Monday! No firecracker baby over the weekend! At the appt., Dr. Helms said I was 4cm but could be stretched to 5cm, and that I was 75% effaced. He also said this, "For you to not be in labor, your baby is very low." He said the baby was about in the "plus 1" position, and that "plus 3" means the baby is out! Basically Wes was very near to being delivered. Helms said he would induce me whenever I wanted but that he wouldn't allow me to go past that upcoming Friday. So I told him that we would induce Wednesday the 8th if nothing happened before then. I liked the date of the 8th (remember how I'm funny about numbers) because his bday would be 07-08-09.
On Tuesday the 7th, I was up around 8:30am. I went ahead and showered, shaved, got all good and polished just in case (I actually did this same thing every morning for like 2 weeks not knowing when I'd go into labor). Around 10am I started feeling very sharp pains but I thought it was because of the exam the day before. Once I had 3 within about 30 minutes...I decided I should take them serious. So I called Sharis and asked if I could bring Will over for the day. I told her that I thought I was having contractions and wanted to take it easy. I had two more on the way to her house and one while at her house! Thank God she was home and took Will! I left her house around 11am. When I left her house, I remembered that I had received an email from Merle Norman Cosmetics advertising $10 off the Vera Bradley lunch tote. And since I would be driving past Merle Norman on the way to the hospital, I went to Joey's parents and printed the coupon. Then I went to Merle Norman...hey $10 off is a good deal!! Well, the bag was sold out so I didn't get it...but the lady behind the counter said, "so when are you due", I replied "well my contractions are about 15minutes apart so it will be today." I think I scared her!
So I got to the hospital around noon (11:52am to be exact) and checked myself in. Joey was there right away with me. Dr. Helms got there within 20-25 minutes. He checked me and I was 6cm. Then he broke my water (ouch!). He decided to not give me pitocin and thought I'd deliver later that day without the drug. Well once he left, it was about 30-45 minutes before they began the epidural. But by that point the contractions were so close and so hard that the epidural didn't seem to help ease the pain. I kept asking when I'd feel the epidural and by the looks on their faces, they knew I should already be feeling the relief...but I wasn't! They then decided to also give me a "local"...whatever the hec that is! So the contractions kept coming and were closer, then I started to get sick and began dry heaving...it was bad! It's like I wanted to cry but I couldn't get any tears out! It was the weirdest thing! Then I said to the nurse..."Monica, why is the pain staying now and not going away" so she checked me and it was time to push! Man it went so fast...it was only 2:30pm! And I swear it took Dr. Helms what seemed liked forever to get there! When he got there he asked me to give him one practice push. After I did he said, "okay this is gonna be a quick delivery." I think I pushed on 4 contractions and Wes was here!!!! Oh man the joys of giving birth! I love delivery day! Even though I felt everything leading up to pushing, I would do it over 10 times! Thank God I was numb and didn't feel him enter into this world, but I sure felt everything else! But truthfully, I'm so glad I was able to experience it that way. I told the nurse I needed a discount on the epidural since it half worked! She told me that the epidural didn't work because it couldn't catch up to my contractions. I guess I should have bypassed Merle Norman.
So that's my story :) My lil man was born @ 2:41pm weighing 7 pounds 8 ounces, and was 21 inches long. He was so small compared to Will! I really thought Wes would be close to 9 pounds...boy was I wrong. It's probably good that he was small since I felt all the contractions. I bet the pain would have been greater!
I hope you enjoy the pics! I feel so very blessed!
Hey girl! I'm so glad everything went well for you. I'm praying and CLAIMING for another delivery like I had with Charissa!!! Well the quick and mostly pain free parts anyway =) The little guy is so cute and tiny!! I love it! Can't wait til we find out what we are having this time around!
He's beautiful! I just love Dr. Helms don't you?? Sounds like a rather fast delivery! Congratulations!!!
Girl that Wes is a baby doll! Ohhhh what a cutie. Congrats on your new family of 4! I'm so glad he's such a good baby for you. :)
he's beautiful! congrats! you are TOO funny...having contractions and going shopping first!
I am so happy for you, Joey, and Will. What a blessing little Wes is to our family. He is such an adorable little guy...lookin so much like his big brother. Savor every moment, before you know it, he will be off to Kindergarten and you will be wondering where all the time went. (;
Love you all so much.
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