I have not blogged now in almost a month. Mostly because I haven't felt great, and because I have been going to bed early. I am 12 weeks now, and it's so hard to believe how quickly the time has gone by! I am beginning to feel better these days, although I still have moments when I feel...well, pregnant!
So I've decided to pick two things and tell you about them. The first is my adventure with Will at Venetian gardens in hopes to capture that perfect pose for our family Christmas cards....that didn't happen. He was tired, ill, and didn't care if Santa needed this picture for Christmas (I absolutely did not tell him that was why we were taking pictures!). Instead I got this...
Yes, he is really crying with tears!
Anyway, I have to be honest. I was so mad at him!! It was 11am, and his nap wasn't till 1pm! Why was he ill!? Why was he tired!? I didn't punish him for not cooperating...but I sure wanted to! I had procrastinated until the last minute to even take pictures, so I was putting pressure on myself...but really I was pressuring him. He fell asleep in the car on the way home. He was just tired. That's all. So simple. Now that I type this...I am remembering that Amy puts him down around 11:30. On the weekends we choose 1pm because it works for us. So he reacted honest. It was me who needed to be punished. I felt bad afterwards, when my blood pressure had gone down (we all have those days...right?.
Here are a few pictures from that day...notice he won't look at the camera for Santa...I mean me.
Another reason you can tell I was feeling pressure was because you should NEVER take pictures at 11am! Anyone with picture sense knows that rule. The best times are early morning and late afternoon...unless it's overcast. It wasn't overcast that day.
A few days later, I took this picture just before I left for work. He was outside on his bike. And this is the picture I used for our Christmas cards.
No...it doesn't look like a "Christmas" picture...but it worked, and it was precious!
The second thing I wanted to tell you was in regards to my OB check-up. I went yesterday and all looked good. I met Dr. Helms for the first time, and I felt a little rushed. He was very nice, but we have to remember it's Christmas week. Most people are in a different mindset. But he said the baby looked great and was pleased with the visit. Oh, and by the way...I have not gained any weight...I actually lost 1 pound! I was pleased with the visit also!!
Well, I hope you all have a very blessed Christmas holiday with your families. This will be a fun Christmas for us now that Will is almost 3. I can't wait to hear all about your day and I hope to share our story soon.
God Bless, & Merry Christmas!!!!!